Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Small Business Owners
New Year’s Resolutions aren’t just for personal goals. These New Year’s resolutions for small business owners will help you grow your business, better your company’s communications, and make 2024 your best year in business yet.
- Review Your Numbers
You may think New Year’s resolutions for small business owners are all about looking forward. However, to come up with worthwhile resolutions, you are going to want to look back first! Analyze your 2023 data to gain insight into what’s working, what needs improvement, and what can be taken to the next level. If you don’t track numbers, like your company’s marketing analytics, it’s not too late to start. In fact, this can be a great New Year’s resolution for small business owners in itself! Contact 406 Strategic Communications to learn more about how to best track your marketing and communications analytics.
2. Solve A Burning Problem
You may already be aware of a burning problem your company is facing, or maybe in the process of reviewing your 2023 analytics you’ve found one. You may also have more than one burning problem your company is facing. However, it’s best to commit to resolving just one issue at a time. So what’s the burning problem you resolve to fix in 2024? If you are having issues determining which issue is most pressing to resolve and how to resolve it— reach out to an expert! 406 Strategic Communications is available to assist you with any communications related issues you may be facing.
3. Attend A Training
As a small business owner, your learning journey never ends! Attending an online or in-person training can provide a huge boost to business owners aiming to improve business practices and better serve employees and customers. Not sure what type of training to attend? Consider choosing a training course related to the “burning problem” your company currently faces.
4. Commit to At Least One New Marketing Tactic
How can you boost your marketing efforts in 2024? One of the best New Year’s resolutions for small business owners is committing to at least one new marketing tactic for the year. For example, if you don’t have an Instagram presence, 2024 is the year to start! Not sending out newsletters to keep customers engaged? Make that your goal in 2024! Already have both? 406 Strategic Communications can help you determine what the next, logical marketing step is for your specific business.
5. Create a Strategic Communications Plan
If you don’t already have a strategic communications plan in place, this New Year’s resolution for small business owners has huge benefits. For one, it will help you bring together all your business’ New Year’s resolutions together in one. Additionally, putting pen to paper with a strategic communications plan will help keep your business’ communications with employees and customers clear and consistent throughout the year. Learn more about strategic communications plans and how to create one for your business here.