Blog and Social Media Content Packages to Improve Your SEO and Boost Your ROI
406 Strategic Communications is now offering monthly blog and social media packages with transparent pricing to help you improve your company’s search engine optimization (SEO) and boost your return on investment (ROI). These packages will increase your company’s sales numbers by far more than you’ll be spending on marketing, whether you choose the basic or the premium package. Here are the details:
Basic Blog and Social Media Content Package
The basic blog and social media content package from 406 Strategic Communications includes three blog posts, four social media posts, and one half hour consultation for $600. Most clients buy this package on an ongoing monthly basis for their company.
This package usually begins with the half hour consultation where we will discuss the titles and keywords for your three blog posts. Some clients prefer to have all blog posts be SEO focused, while others prefer to have FAQ blog posts and client testimonials mixed in. While we will make suggestions for blog posts and focus keywords, the decision on what you would like to go with is ultimately up to you!
Blog Posts
Next, we will take the feedback from your consultation and craft unique, SEO optimized blog posts! Each post will be between 500-800 words, include relevant hyperlinks, and be thoroughly researched for accuracy. We will send you the final blog post along with a meta description, meta title, and meta tags to easily post directly to your website.
Social Media Posts
Every blog post we write comes with a corresponding social media graphic! These graphics can be used for social media posts but also on the blog post itself. Additionally, you’ll receive post text to accompany each social media graphic and three suggested hashtags to use for each post. While you will be paying for three blog posts a month— you’ll actually have the opportunity to get one extra social media graphic and post! We usually recommend clients have their fourth social media graphic and post focus on a sales promotion for the month. For example, we can create a graphic and post for a 10% discount or free swag with any purchase over a certain dollar amount.
Premium Blog and Social Media Content Package
If you are looking to boost your company’s SEO and ROI quickly and effectively, you may want a heavier duty content package. The premium blog and social media content package offers double the blog posts, consultation time, and social media posts— but isn’t double the price! This package is $1000 (usually purchased on an ongoing monthly basis) and is a great way to get your company ranking at the top of Google quickly and amass you new social media followers in no time. Clients who purchase the premium blog and social media content package usually opt to have a few of each type of the following blog posts each month:
SEO Focused Blog Posts
The purpose of these blog posts is to get you to the top of a search engine’s results page stat. During your consultation we’ll discuss which keywords you are most interested in your company appearing at the top of search engine results for. For example, [product you sell] in [area you sell it] is a common keyword phrase we write blog posts around. Once we have decided on the specific topics you would like to write these SEO focused blog posts on, we’ll write well-researched blog posts with completely original content to help ensure you get to the top of those search results!
Client Testimonial Posts
Client testimonial posts are a great way for clients to get to know you and potential clients to gain trust in your work. For these posts, we offer to interview clients and write up a feature-style story about their experience with your business. If you prefer, we can also feature a specific job rather than a client. For example, send us some photos and provide us some background information on a job your company recently completed. We will write it up into an inspiring story about what great services your company provides so future clients know what they can expect!
FAQ Posts
Does your company receive a lot of questions about specific services you offer? FAQ posts are a great investment! Rather than offer one FAQ page, you can offer FAQ blog posts that go in-depth about specific products or services you offer. Answer ten of the top questions about your best selling product, provide answers to all the questions you get regarding a specific service— posts like these can not only improve your SEO but mitigate you answering the same questions over and over again in-person, on the phone, or through email.
Other Types of Posts
Have another idea for posts? We’re open to it! Would you rather have us write landing pages than blog posts for you each month? We can do that too! Let us know your needs and we will do our best to accommodate.
Add-On Content Options
While 406 Strategic Communications does not currently offer videography, video editing, newsletter creation, or additional consultation hours as part of our content packages— we do offer these services as add-ons. Contact us directly for pricing.