5 Effective Ways You Could Be Using AI for Content Creation

AI is revolutionizing the working world— including how we create content online! Using AI for content creation isn’t always the solution to your content creation woes, however, it can be an incredibly useful tool in your toolbox. Here’s how:

AI may not be able to give you the best possible SEO content topic for your latest blog post, social media campaign, or product video. However, it can get the juices flowing with content ideas! If you ask a service like Chat GPT to give you a list of potential blog posts, you may find you don’t like any of the options. However, even if that’s the case, it will likely still spur your creativity for other ideas you do like!

2. Creative Graphic Creation

Apps like Canva are now incorporating AI into a lot of their graphic design abilities. This can be helpful for trying out new styles in your graphics or going for a completely new look. You likely won’t be able to post the AI graphics “as is” but with a few tweeks— it might be just what you were looking for!

3. Writing Blog Outlines

Using AI for blog posts is tricky business and for the reasons we explained in this article, you shouldn’t ever be publishing the content AI creates without some serious editing first. However, using AI for content outlines is a brilliant idea! Much the same as using AI for your newest content ideas, using AI for blog outlines can also get your juices flowing. You can ask a service like Chat GPT to provide you with ideas for hooks, subpoints, main points, and more. Just make sure you write the actual content you publish yourself! 

4. Chatbots

AI Chatbots can be hugely helpful in assisting the direction of your content creation. Keep track of information, like what customers are asking the chatbot most frequently. Then, you can tailor your content around these most asked questions. This helps make the content you publish the most useful it can possibly be for potential clients and customers.

5. Using AI in your company’s content creation process

Considering how your company can best use AI to better your content creation process? 406 Strategic Communications would be happy to walk you through the pros and cons of using AI for content creation during a free 30 minute consultation. Sign up for your free consultation to learn more about using AI as part of your business’ own content creation strategy!